Language Delay and Disorders
Language is the words we use to share ideas and get what we want. A person with a language disorder may have problems understanding language, talking, reading, and writing (ASHA, 2019). A delay means that a child is developing language in a typical manner, but is doing so more slowly than other children his or her age. A disorder means that a child is not developing language as one would expect, or abnormally. A disorder may be associated with learning disability, brain injury, premature birth, chromosomal defect, hearing loss, poor nutrition.
Speech Delay
A speech and language delay is when a child isn’t developing speech and language at an expected rate. It is a common developmental problem that affects as many as 10% of preschool children.Language delay is commonly divided into receptive and expressive categories. Receptive language refers to the process of understanding language. Expressive language refers to the ability to use language to communicate messages to others.